Thursday, February 2, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

I know!  What is on this page?  It is indeed a layout.  Scary.

Before the end of 2016 I enrolled in Scrapbook and Cards Today's (SCT) year-long, self-paced class, 365.  Each month we are sent a sketch for a layout and card, plus instructions if you want to recreate the examples.  The instructions include patterns for three or four shapes used on the layout examples (for the most part the patterns are shapes that would be easy to trace and hand-cut, if needed), or those same patterns in cut-files if you have a digital cutter.

I decided last weekend that I'd waited long enough, and was just going to do it.  I pulled my totes into the dining room (basement isn't fit for humans) and worked with what I had packed in them.  I had paired these photos from 2005, with Bo Bunny's Candy Cane Lane, which was found in the 2014 Smaller December kit.

I stayed pretty true to the sketch.  The orientation and size of my photos had me altering them versus the sketch, which had four smaller photos and a larger vertical photo.  Looking at the layout, I should have pressed out my satin ribbon, but (shrug) oh well.  I used the whole kit, and will eventually fill out the tag, in the glittered envelope, with whatever we can remember about that Christmas morning.

This is the third class I've taken with them, and I've enjoyed the sketches and examples.  I don't really do the instruction-thing, but that's just me.  I am, however, working those sketches, often getting multiple layouts with one sketch.  I had planned to do another layout with this sketch, but life and family were calling.  I also joined their Facebook group, and like the inspiration of other scrapbookers - and let's face it, those "likes" are fun, too.  It's not to late to join the class.

Go.  Create.

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